Local phone number to contact Lenco Credit Union 517-263-0851 (use this number to contact the branch also)
Toll-free number to contact Lenco Credit Union 1-866-90-LENCO (1-866-905-3626)
Fax number for Main Office 517-263-1609 Fax number for Branch Office 517-263-9139
To activate a new Debit or ATM card 1-800-466-0040
To report LOST OR STOLEN DEBIT AND ATM CARDS 1-888-241-2510
To activate a new VISA credit card 1-800-543-5073
To report LOST OR STOLEN VISA CREDIT CARDS 1-800-543-5073
You may only cancel your cards through this number or contact Lenco Credit Union, or you may deactivate your card through our Mobile APP.
To order a new card please contact Lenco Credit Union directly at 517-263-0851.