Other Services

Find out more about our low-cost or many no-cost services!

Money Orders
Money Orders are available up to $1000.00 at a cost of $1.00 each.

Night Deposit
Our NIGHT DEPOSIT is located to the right of the front main entry door or at the back of branch office building.

Payroll Deduction
Most members have the option of authorizing their employer to electronically transfer either a portion of or all of their net pay, Social Security, or retirement pension to Lenco Credit Union. Members avoid teller lines and eliminate risk, too. No lost checks and no worry about making a deposit if ill or away on a vacation or business trip.

Direct Deposit
DIRECT DEPOSIT is a service which occurs when you authorize an agency, institution or employer to place funds directly into your checking or savings without having to carry a check to the credit union. Convenience is only one of the main benefits. You save time traveling and waiting in a teller line. Direct deposit eliminates the risk of lost checks, and you get paid even if you are not at work—if you’re ill, on vacation, or away on business. It’s easy to sign up for direct deposit…just ask your employer.

Remote Deposit
With Remote Deposit, members can deposit checks electronically by taking a clear photo of the check and submitting it to the financial institution to be cleared digitally and posted to the member’s account.